Sunday, April 20, 2008

innit what?

blame it on my aging brain cells, and having the whole process accelerated by booze and late nights.

me no understand how to INNIT. apparently its like a god's gift to fellow bloggers to get traffic and stuff. and the outcome of yesterday's bloggers gangbang (aptly called genius lar wei) to have some tsunami thing going.....i was like..."hey, throw me a freaking bone wei..."

now i know why my dad doesnt know what i know i knew. (*scratches head*)

lets see if i remember all the names of my new buddies...

1. pamsong (garang....she wanted to take one of my limbs, like wtf?!)
2. yapthomas (spin doctor)
3. narymama (co-spin doctor)
4. aronilinora (drama queen....literally)
5. yatz (err....innit guru)
6. amy (sweet one)
7. joshuaong (coke tattoo on forearm)
8. michelle (with the kick-ass bluetooth earpiece)
9. the tall guy
10. nigel (this guy promised me chicks in bikinis)
11. davidc (the hamsap one)
12. kellster (the hyper one)
13. hweiming (no doubt..his is the longest)
14. the short-haired guy with specs......
15. the guy with the laptop......

see, i told you i am bad with names...and numbers........and names......and INNIT.



Simon Seow said...

Wah, die la you call Queen AmiPamSong garang.

Nary's treasures said...

tall guy. LOL. stanley. im not sure if thats how his name is spelled. i thought yours was just sean. haha.

Anonymous said...

14. the short-haired guy with specs...... = dillon
15. the guy with the laptop...... = randy

and hell yeah! chicks in bikinis!! lol!

sheon said...

simon: ......i'm living in fear now.

narymama: i like my own name better, its more unique. and i had no idea you're soooooooooo young!!! nice meeting you....also you very pwetty...hahahaha

nigel: right..dillon and randy.... chicks and bikinis overwhelmed my systems dee...cant register anymore names.....

yapthomas said...

hahha.. the tall one!
yeah.. beats me in height!

Anonymous said...

Apa itu Innit? 0______0
You have every right to disown me as your blog reader after this ok, I am so damn jakun -_______-

joshuaongys said...

hahhahahaha LOLX i just dumped my coke tattoo hahhaa

sheon said...

yapthomas: yeah man..that dude is tall!

michelle: i am noob also lar... you'll find it comfy here....

joshua: what? you can just wash it away? then why didnt you do that earlier?

joshuaongys said...

erm... lolx.... cuz i like it... hahah i duno la hahaha

Pam Song said...


Mau cari mati.

And Mr, where is your picture-filled post?? We're waiting!

Randy said...

What guy with the LAPTOP???
At least thank goodness I brought a laptop.. if didn't i'll probably be a nameless one..

Lol.. sigh..

史坦利 said...

tall guy step in :)

sheon said...

joshua: glad you did...hahaha

pamsong: i'll do a belated post lar.. busy wei..and the only pc i have now is the one in my office... :( wait for my laptop, ok?..then i'll post about how cute you are every other day. :P deal?
honestly, if you are not smiling and if i do not know you....i would think that you are a fierce little feisty gal...

randy: hahaha... :) dun lar like that? i remember faces and characters..just not good with names. :)
i am sure if i am not as LARGE as i am...i'd probably be just a shadow figure....

sj: one-on-one basketball face-off?, wait..i have an idea. why dont we have a futsal game??

Pam Song said...

Really? I look fierce? Dang. I thought I'd look... TERRIFYING. =p

sheon said...

pamsong: i know you..i think you are a sweet sweet beautiful pretty attractive smart girl

Pam Song said...

Haha. Awww.